martes, 6 de febrero de 2024

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

I love music

Hi my bookworms,

The last Friday I watched a webinar for learning a little bit, since everybody needs improve every single day, and the teacher recommend us a song for these special days. Since, I though about you! As you know, I love music and learn... Let's complete a song!

1. Listen the song, at least two times.
2. Then you can start completing with the missing words. (remind you, goodbye, count on me, be there, one two three, sea, guide you, sing a song, in the dark, count on you, my shoulder, friends)
3. When you finish you have to send your answer. Fill out with your personal details and you have to paste this code 80a4bjloau (it's my personal code for this activity). In this way I am going to receive it!


Good luck!

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

Tema 6: Al-Andalus

Bos días:

Como xa dixen na anterior entrada, espero que todos esteades ben e aproveitando o tempo.

As imaxes destas dúas últimas entradas do blog, pertencen a Mesquita-Catedral de Córdoba. Como podedes ver É IMPRESIONANTE!!!!

Alguén tivo a sorte de visitala?

Déixovos cun esquema que fixo unha das nosas compañeiras de curso. É un exemplo de como se pode facer. Hai moitas maneiras de levalo a cabo: máis esquemático, empregando diferentes cores, formas, etc. Así que espero máis!!


Countable and uncountable!

Hi my dear bookworms,

How were these two weeks abroad? I hope you were well!

As in every unit, you have here some grammar and activities. I give you the Genially, that it's supposed that you have to do during this week.


There is/are, there was/were.

A/An, some any.

If you have any doubt, please let me know!

Enjoy learning! Take care my children!

Hi there!

 Hello again! Long time ago without news! Do you prefer google site or blog? Let me know!  Bye!